Help DFSO to make the best 3 skate days possible

DFSO has been a passion project of me for over a year to connect and engage freestyle skateboarding in The Netherlands and connect the rest of Europe. The contest is aimed towards inspiring, bonding and skating together without any eye to profit. Everything that comes from the contest, will go directly towards the community. To give back to the community as much as possible, this means a lot of work is volunteer based and these 3 days completely rely on registration, sponsors and volunteers.
From all over Europe people will fly and drive to Amersfoort with one common purpose, Freestyle skateboarding. To make sure everybody has the best experience possible we rely on contributions and sponsors to provide the essentials like food, drinks, prices and more.
All work prior to the contest has been done by me alone. But with the growth of interest and amount of competitors, this no longer is a one-man job. To create a great experience I rely on volunteers during the contest.
There are a number of things you can do to help out the event. These things can be some larger tasks like helping to build up the event on Thursday, cleaning up or becoming a judge. But every small task also helps like starting the timer for someone’s run or bringing some cases of water.
We offer the opportunities for companies and organizations to become official sponsors of DFSO. A sponsorship give you the opportunity to show the passion to skateboarding and the rich history that freestyle skateboarding created. With sponsoring we can offer valuable exposure for your brand at the contest with places for banners and even options for product stands while also sharing your support to the only Dutch freestyle skateboarding championship on social media.

Let's get in contact
Head organiser: Kevin Wessels

- Mail:
- Phone: +31-6521445558